Monthly Archives: September 2012
SFA, Revisited • 16 September 2012
Santa Monica. January 17, 2008. The location was YogaWorks, Montana Avenue. Where American-style 200-hour yoga teacher trainings began. At the time, the YW corporation was buying out local, poor yoga studios all over the country; and it was packaging its teacher training program for distribution all over the world. The whole yoga market we now […]
Clearings • 4 September 2012
This morning, 4am. So hot, but unlike summer, no sign of dawn. The Huron River had particulated up over the shore, into the witching-hour mist that the drunks and I get to enjoy. Like a steam bath, but infused with mulch and possum dander instead of eucalyptus. When I turned the key in the Honda, […]
Underbelly • 1 September 2012
The white tents of Denver airport showed up again, in Edinburgh. They're pitched in the Meadows in the middle of town, and home to one of the Fringe Festival’s naughty shows: The Ladyboys of Bangkok. For this past moon cycle, I’d pass each morning at 4, walking .8 miles north through the city to practice. […]