Monthly Archives: June 2010
Capsules • 27 June 2010
Hello, basement. The twitter stream for “tornado Ann Arbor” is pissed, with half the town sitting at the bottom of our basement steps tapping smartphones on a sweltering weekend afternoon. It’s the third alarm this month. Feels like the local tornado scout has an itchy siren finger. This is a weird way to live: always […]
Spiritual Lust • 25 June 2010
The thing with joy is that you lose interest in stupid people. Where are you guys? You used to make me salivate and twitch, all the way up in to a wonderfully articulate lather, tight the way a boxer’s game is tight. I was so well trained, too: I remember my first real profs, slamming […]
Status Seeking • 19 June 2010
You found the one time of night when the birds are quiet. The Editor said this last night in his sleep, when the 2:30 train stirred me enough to drift downstairs to my meditation spot. There’s an old man spirit who tends the kitchen at that time of night. Many nights like this I feel […]
Word choice • 11 June 2010
Peony. A flower by any other name… I said to the Editor: “I don’t know why, but for some reason I feel like peonies are even more sexual than most flowers.” He blushed. Ohhhh. Ann Arbor, home as it is to Hiscock Street, loves its massive peony gardens. After these weeks’ rain and ungodly winds, […]
Ghost Funnels • 6 June 2010
Sirens last night. Wailing down the hill from Main Street, over the traintracks. Not like an ambulance alarm or the screaming fire horn we had out on the Ranch. Instead: relentless, eerie, mixed in over storm-winds and summer rain. The city-sized whine woke me up with memories of WWII air raids. Straaange. Feeling ghostly, and […]