SLVI: The Present • 20 December 2008

When you wrap the presents, just wrap the presents.

Or listen to these.

Six minutes with Pema Chodron. This is about staying with the breath. About “non-life-threatening” distractions, about how quieting the mind is piercing holes in the clouds of the sky. No habit nor bowl-cut can repress her growing adorableness. Especially that moment when she pretends she's just waking up.

Twenty minutes on neurolinguistic programming and bigger prizes with an ashtangi Zen master who lists SKPJ in the same breath as some Rinpoche. Yes: there is an ashtangi Zen Master. In WISCONSIN.

Intriguing, yes? I almost kept it for myself. Here is more of Hollow Bones and Junpo Denis Kelly. And something small about NLP in a Mysore room.

I’m going ice skating this weekend. In a T-shirt, under palm trees. And supposedly seeing It’s a Wonderful Life in the theatre. And doing some weird solstice ritual. Interesting times.